by C3C Doll

Coming into AFROTC my freshman year I was an out-of-state student and very introverted. I did not know anyone in my flight or AS class and it was hard to get to know people during PT (physical training) or class. After a few weeks of flight meetings and going to Blue Knights and other non-PMT events I was making more friends in AFROTC than I thought I would. The friendships I have formed with these cadets are some of the strongest friendships I have here at Mississippi State and I know that I can trust each and every one of them without a doubt. My friends have seen me at my worst and have brought out the best characteristics in myself that I did not realize I had until meeting them.
Forming strong friendships is not the only thing AFROTC has given me over the past year. I have learned life skills that have helped me in my other classes as well as outside of school that are invaluable to being a well-rounded person. One of these lessons is the importance of time management. Without time management I would not be able to balance 16-17 credit hours, a Detachment job, an Arnold Air Society job, my sorority, and multiple other extracurricular events. Having this skill is critical not only for school work but will also be beneficial to me in my career. Another lesson AFROTC has given me through the year has been excellence in all we do, which is a core value of the Air Force. I have taken that and strived to be the best cadet, the best student, and the best friend I can be.
With these lessons and the friendships I have made I feel I am a much better person than what I would be without them. I have friends who will hold me to a higher standard in my academics and personal life. I have learned valuable lessons that not only help with academics but will be an asset to me once I commission. Without AFROTC I would still be a shy, introverted girl who did not know many people, but now I can proudly say that joining AFROTC has changed my life for the better.