Past Student Spotlights
Project GO China
by C1C Evans
Project GO was the opportunity of a lifetime. When else would you have the time and money for eight weeks of study and travel in China?

USAFA Summer Training
by C1C Mauney
I received the opportunity to participate in Expeditionary Survival and Evasion Training (ESET) during the summer.

How AFROTC Has Changed My Life
by C3C Doll
Coming into AFROTC my freshman year I was an out-of-state student and very introverted.

Manage Yourself, Lead your People
by C2C Persons
Through the last 2 years in ROTC, I have learned many valuable lessons. All of which can be applied in everyday life.

Field Training Experience
by C2C Conway
Field Training requires cadets to be evaluated on leadership, professional qualities, and discipline.

by C1C Walsleben
This past summer, I was selected to attend Field Engineering Readiness Laboratory (FERL) at the US Air Force Academy (USAFA).

Reflection in AFROTC
by C1C Hurtado
You will find success in AFROTC and in the classroom but it will take discipline and personal responsibility.

MSU Air Force ROTC cadet, chemistry major receives Medal of Honor Scholarship
by Sarah Nicholas
STARKVILLE, Miss.—Mississippi State University student and Air Force ROTC cadet Shelby Patti is one of only three recipients in the U.S.
Read More about MSU Air Force ROTC cadet, chemistry major receives Medal of Honor Scholarship

Cadet Thornton Commissions as Second Lieutenant
by K. Mullins
Cadet Reed Thornton commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Air Force on August 15, 2019 from Air Force ROTC Detatchment 425 at Mississippi Stat
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MSU Air Force ROTC Celebrates 70th Anniversary with Chapter Honors
by Sarah Nicholas
Mississippi State’s Air Force ROTC celebrates 70 years at the land-grant institution this year, and two service units have been recognized for exce
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MSU selected to join U.S. Cyber Command Academic Engagement Network
by James Carskadon
STARKVILLE, Miss.—Mississippi State University is among 84 institutions across the country selected to join a new Academic Engagement Network facil
Read More about MSU selected to join U.S. Cyber Command Academic Engagement Network

Our People - Lt Col Christopher Evans
by Sarah Nicholas